Toll Brothers has created a unique, whimsical design for their 2022 Project Playhouse called Imagination Station, that will soon be on display at Minute Maid Park. HomeAid Houston’s Project Playhouse is an annual fundraiser that has raised over $1 million for future HomeAid construction projects. For the past 15 years, HomeAid has partnered with the Houston Astros and the Astros Foundation to showcase the playhouse at Minute Maid Park during the Astros games in late summer. This year HomeAid partnered with Toll Brothers as the Builder Captain for this 16th playhouse.
“Imagination Station inspires children in so many ways,” said Nicole Jacob, president of HomeAid Houston. “Its whimsical design and fanciful amenities spark their imagination to create a place to learn, dream, and explore during play time while they create adventures that will become childhood memories. HomeAid is honored to have Toll Brothers a leading name in the homebuilding industry, as the Builder Captain this year. We are excited to showcase the playhouse to the fans at this summer’s Astros games.”
Imagination Station’s amenities include a “thunderstorm” themed ceiling with LED color changing lights, a galaxy themed tunnel, a hidden door, a floating desk, a chalk wall, a lounge with reading space on the third level, a “hot air balloon” with budgie basket and pully system, built-in bookshelves, a rubber gym floor, air conditioning and many others. It is a modular design to simplify its transportation and reconstruction in the winner’s backyard.
“Toll Brothers has always been committed to supporting charities that give back to our community,” said Steve Woeppel, senior purchasing manager. “HomeAid’s Project Playhouse is one that brings together our entire organization to be involved from concept of the design through the construction. We as a team are proud to take part in this annual fundraiser that will help give back to so many less fortunate.”
David Assid and Steve Woeppel head up the Toll Brother’ playhouse team that also includes: Brian Murray, Division Vice President; Diana Niven, Division Architectural Manager; Phil Popp, Purchasing Manager; Mike Mandola, Sr. Project Manager; John Bradley, Sr. Project Manager; Dominic Giuliano, Sr. Project Manager; Jared Boyer, Project Manager; Sunni Sanders, Marketing Specialist; Brian Borthwick, Sr. Construction Manager; Paul Zink, Sr. Construction Manager and Parker Metz, Sr. Construction Manager.
Imagination Station will be on display from June 30th through August 3rd at Minute Maid Park during the Astros late summer homestand. Tickets for an opportunity to win are available on the HomeAid website and in person during the games beginning July 1.
HomeAid is a 501 (c)(3) charity of the Greater Houston Builders Association. For more information visit or call the Greater Houston Builders Association at 281-970-8970.